How does it work?

Fill out the form to become an affiliate and we'll reach out to you with next steps, onboarding tools, and your code.

How often do you process payouts?

We process payouts once per month, so you'll hear from our affiliate manager the first week of every month, for affiliate sales the previous month.

Can I give my discounted scan to someone else?

No, the personal scans at $250 are for the direct affiliate user only. You can give your friends and network your $15 off code.

How does the code work?

We'll give you a url and a code to share with your network. If they click your link or apply the code manually at checkout, they'll get $15 off their first scan and you'll get 10% of every sale.

Can I get in touch with someone about the program?

Of course! Email us at hello@ruti.life to learn more.